I haven't written in a long time but I
am still going strong. For a few weeks there I did my P90X + running
schedule, but I have kind of slacked on that due to overall tiredness
and a new diet. I have been using MyFitnessPal for about 2 weeks and
have lost 10 pounds. I felt myself getting a belly and had to do
something about it! I would like to lose another 10 or so, then build
onto that.
Last night was one of my best runs to
date. I did a hilly 10K with my Camelbak and was able to keep a sub-9
minute pace. For me, this is awesome! I am pretty excited about it
and hope that I can meet my goal of 42 minutes on the Peachtree Road
Race (no Camelbak + VFF KSO + balls to the wall). This pace is 2 of
my fastest 5K races back-to-back.
I found out that in a few weeks I will
be visiting my girlfriend in Costa Rica. I am very excited about that
and hope to see/run at some new places.
I have started tracking my runs on
RunningAhead since they don't make my runs shorter like RunKeeper.
Click the link on the right to go to my profile.
I am trying to get the running
community of Dahlonega together and collaborate with each other. So
far it is going well! It is just a group on Facebook. We post when we
are going to run, where, and pace. We are keeping it small and
keeping the strangers out.
Other than that I am just concentrating
on staying strong. After the Peachtree Road Race I plan on focusing
on long slow distances for the Duncan Ridge 50K, which hopefully
doesn't spank me too hard. :)
That's awesome Tyler! It's always a wonderful feeling to have your training pay off with great runs. I am just getting to that point again after nearly a 2 month slump of bad runs. Not sure what was happening there except that I think I was exhausted and overdue for a break which I never really took, just dealt with the bad runs. Sending good vibes your way for an awesome Peachtree Road race run. I hope you achieve your goal :-) Happy Running!