Some of my big fans(yeah right) may remember that I did this a while back. I got miserable half way though and walked back. This time was a bit different.
We started out doing great. My dad had a few second lead on me and spread it out to about a minute by the time we hit the half way point(Ramrock lookout). He was running in his Vibram Five Finger KSOs and I was barefoot.
dad running in his Vibram Five Finger KSOs. i like the lighting.
Anyway, on our way back my Dad stayed behind me and was laughing whenever I would step on a rock. I do what I am supposed to do and buckle my knee so the weight is shifted to the other foot. He still thought it was funny. my camelbak xct is the bee's knees
This is where I see the difference between barefoot running and running in Vibram Five Fingers. My Dad handled the rocks just fine in Vibram Five Fingers. Its great to see him running out there with me, but I have to point out one thing: Wearing Vibram Five Fingers is NOT barefoot running! Its not washing your hair if you have a shower cap on. You can feel it, see it, but it isn't touching your skin.
some rocks are unavoidable. remaining light is key.
Now would I have preferred Vibram Five Fingers today? Maybe. There were times of discomfort, but I REALLY enjoy running barefoot and think that the ground feels so awesome with all of its different textures. If you have never walked around outside barefoot you are missing everything. It's like a completely different sense.
Anyway, we started to run back. My dads pinky toe slipped out of his Vibram so I took this as an opportunity to take some pictures. I should have never done this.
Yesterday my hip flexor was hurting, and it started to nag me on the way down. After we stopped to take pictures I didn't want to run anymore. My feet were uncomfortable, but I could have ran over that if I didn't have stupid hip problems.
LOOK AT DEM FUNKY SHOES! (Otterbox iPhone case if anyone is wondering)
I let my Dad run out in front of me and I walked the rest of the way down. Toward the end of the trail my Dad was walking back toward me looking for me. He saw I was having a hard time walking and gave me crap about it. :P
At the end of the trail I noticed some glass that was at the start of it. I ran over it earlier and didn't even know. I must be running light!
the feets
After that we went to our friend/chiropractor. He told me that he may be able to adjust me to loosen up my hip flexor. He definitely did something, because it is feeling a little better.
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