Monday, May 31, 2010

Dave Broke The 30

Dave has been trying to break the 30 minute mark on his 5K run for about a week. We started our normal run at a normal pace and all went well. Toward the end I pushed him a little bit and notified him that he was going to make it. He sped up and nailed it at 29:14.

He had just gotten new custom orthotics. I noticed he was heel striking a lot more and making a lot of noise. I only speak when talked to, so I didn't say anything about it except when he was talking about them. I wish I could just tell everybody to take off their shoes, but I really don't want to be that guy. Successfully running next to him and being able to push him is more of a mention than anything.

I was looking at my RunKeeper today and noticed I was at 43.3 miles for the month of May! I am pretty proud about that and have set a new goal for June, 57 miles(I just made that number up).

Last night I met Barefoot Ken Bob. More on that tomorrow!

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